맞춤형 상담신청

영어정복 후기


This is the best ever.(This is my review after training called it nosebleeds or tough training)
최진화 (motivein)

I got a 쌍코피training.
Yesterday was a final day.
This course is like light when I am stuck in cave of english.
i haven't studid english for ages and i need englishand how to study english.
I managed to find out it and i did.
This is the best moment in my life.
I was enjoying and happy while i was studying.
Most of all i get a good habit to study englsh nd know how to pronounce and
study english.
That is a training.
I get to know that if i keep studying english i can speak it fluently.
Everymoment we should have not wasted time.
Thanks for coach Park and trainers, i can get back my nice life. I send my thanks to them for hleping me get my beautiful life what i want.
i can tell everyone who needs english this academy or training center will help you.
It has fun. It is easy. You will never be sick of english.
Take your chance and keep holding it. English will become your friend.
I am still short of speaking english. But i know i will get better than now.
Although my grammer is wrong, i don't care. Because i am a trainee and i will get improved as i will keep training it.
when it comes to Englsih it needs to train.

This is the best ever. i would like to appreciate it deeply, coach kwon.

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