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트레이너 리스트트레이너 레벨명예의 전당
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    let me introduce myself.

    HI. My name is John 29 year old.

    now i tell you why do i have english.

    in my case, english has been hard on me, always. so i decided to lean speaking and i came here 4 month ago.

    At first time in this traing center, I actually didn't speak english.

    Now, although i'm still not good fluent speaker, i know my speaking is getting better than yerterday.

    and i'll keep going these things for better me.

    next year, i'll go aboroad for many experiences, so i think this traing is more important to me

    frinally, to feshman i gonna tell one thing.

    if you want to get the english especially speaking, keep going the REVIEW.
    You can do anything, you set your mind.
    thank you

    5년후 나의모습

    after 5 yraes later, actually i don't know what do i do.
    frankly speak, i'll be in world or not.
    but, i know one thing. this time will works for me and pretty good.

    my dream is not decided yet, however i love right now and here.

    my final dream is cabin owner, at this place, i hope to enjoy drinking with my people.
    sometimes, go fishing, go traveling like that.

    so for this reason, i'll need to make a lot of money. english doesn't make money but it's very fast way to earn the money thought work.
    i'll go to kanada, and work as a capender for ten years. of course it is just dream.

    now i just deal with my situation, and i'm doing my best. so someday, i convince that i'll get the something that is what we called satisfactory.

    that's it.

    thank you.



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